Samstag, 18. Januar 2014

17.01.2014 Jennifer Rostock Autogrammstunde Saturn Hamburg


als ich von der Jennifer Rostock Autogrammstunde gehört habe, dachte ich gleich, dass ich da mal vorbei schauen sollte.
Es ist zwar nicht unbedingt meine Musikrichtung, aber ein Autogramm in meiner Sammlung wollte ich schon gern.
Da die Autogrammstunde erst um 18 Uhr beginnen sollte, bin ich nach Arbeit nochmals nach Hause und war etwa 17 Uhr vor Ort.
Es standen schon ein paar vor der Bühne, da sie auch live ein paar Songs spielen sollten.

Aber für die Autogramme hatte ich einen guten Platz ergattert.
Sie machten bereits um etwa 17 Uhr einen kurzen Soundcheck, aber verschwanden dann wieder.

Um 18 Uhr begann pünktlich die Autogrammstunde. Sie spielten etwa 4-5 Songs und ich fand sie haben echt den Saturn gerockt. Live sind sie echt sehr gut.

Nun stellte ich mich für die Autogramme an. Es war etwas chaotisch, da sich alle von allen Seiten anstellen wollten, da sie vorher vor der Bühne standen beim Auftritt.

Nach einer knappen Stunde war ich dann auch endlich dran.
Es hieß, dass keine Fotos erlaubt wären und nur 1 Autogramm.

Ich habe mich dann dazu entschieden, dass sie in mein Autogrammbuch schreiben sollten und nahm trotzdem eine Autogrammkarte nur mit ohne Unterschrift.

Sie waren alle nett, aber es ging sehr schnell. Als ich direkt vor Jennifer angekommen war, ist sie gerade zu Freunden gelaufen und ich stand ziemlich blöd da rum und wartete darauf, dass sie zurück kam. Sie hat dann nur sehr schnell unterschrieben und schon war alles vorbei.
Das war ein schlechtes Timing irgendwie.

Ich war auch traurig, als ich gesehen habe, dass andere Fotos mit ihr machten und richtig viel Spaß hatten.

Ich habe dann überlegt bis zum Schluss zu warten und sie abzufangen.

Kurz vor 20 Uhr bin ich dann wieder zurück zur Bühne und sah, dass es so gut wie vorbei war.

Als sie dann in meine Richtung kam, habe ich einfach nett um ein Foto gebeten und sie war sehr nett den Fotowunsch noch zu erfüllen. Joe ist auch mit aufs Foto drauf gekommen. Den fand ich eh sehr knuffig von der ganzen Band.

Ich war nun sehr glücklich und bin mit dem Ladenschluss nach Hause.

Liebe Grüße


15.01.2014 Kinotour von "Nicht mein Tag" in Hamburg Cinemaxx Dammtor


etwas verspätet möchte ich noch über ein Event vergangene Woche berichten.
Einen Tag vor der Veranstaltung habe ich erst davon erfahren und leider gab es keine Tickets für für die Vorstellung.
Axel Stein, Nele Kiper sowie der Regisseur Peter Thorwarth sollten zu Besuch sein.

Eigentlich sollte auch Moritz Bleibtreu kommen, aber leider ist dieser nicht mehr erschienen, da er zuvor bei Markus Lanz war.

Ich traf mich mit einer Freundin vor dem Kino und wollten davor warten und schauen, wann die Schauspieler ankommen sollten.

Diese kamen bereits kurz vor 20 Uhr und so konnte ich Axel direkt ansprechen und nach einem Foto fragen. Seine Antwort war etwas lustig, denn er sagte "Ich denke schon".

Er ist dann erst einmal rein gegangen und wir sind ihm dann gefolgt und konnten im Kino vor dem entsprechenden Saal warten.

Ich habe mir dann nach der offiziellen Begrüßung Autogramme von den 3 geholt. Ich habe mich total gefreut und bereits nochmals für ein Foto gepost für meine Freundin.

Da wir ja noch auf Moritz Bleibtreu warteten, sind wir erstmals wieder vors Theater. Irgendwann kurz vor Ende des Films sind die anderen 3 wieder gekommen.
Wir sind dann auch mit rein ins Kino. Unten sollte es gleich noch eine Signiermöglichkeit geben.
Ich stellte mich natürlich nochmal an und war so frech Axel nochmals um ein neues Foto zu bitten. Er konnte sich ja eh nicht mehr erinnern ;-)

 Ich habe im Anschluss nochmals Nele Kiper um ein Foto gebeten und mir ein Autogramm vom Regisseur geholt.

Im Anschluss haben wir noch kurz vor dem Kino gewartet bis sie raus gekommen sind und sind im Anschluss nach Hause gefahren.

Es war ein sehr erfolgreicher Tag :)

Liebe Grüße


Dienstag, 14. Januar 2014

My trip to London - My Mojo trip - 11.01.2014


now it was my last day in London at the Theater. So sad about this. The week gone so fast.
Today I come about 5:50 to the theatre with the first tube. I was number 4.
I get also good tickets A 9 and A13.

Here is a picture with all my tickets from this week. I saw 7 shows of 8. Really good :D

Daniel arrive at first today like the most days. But we don´t stop him.

When I saw that somethings happen at the stage door ( I stand at the corner between the two streets) I ran really fast over the street and run through all fans. Sorry :D And yes it was Colin.
I ask for a signature in my Mojo script. He want normally go inside but he sign it and say "This was the last" and when the Paparazzi man comes he went inside.
I was really happy to see him also when it was very short.

Now Ben arrive at the stage door and sign some things and take pictures. But I was too shy to ask for a new picture :D

Rupert comes with the car, but till we see this he were already inside.
Later before the first show I wait at the backstage door. He comes out for smoking.
I ask for another picture and he take his arm around me :)

I startet to talk with him about his future. I wanna know if he do theatre again or more filming. But I don´t understand so much. Maybe he don´t wanna talk about or he can´t talk about ;) But he need a break of theatre. It sounds like this. 
I tell him that today is my last day and that I see the shows 7 times. He were really impressed  :)
And I tell him that I love the play.
I say at least : "I hope we see us soon" and then he smile so sweet :) 
Now I end my little talk because there were so many fans who wanna take pictures or wanna get sign something.

After the first show I saw that Daniel and Rupert walk over the street, but no one stop him.
Before the second show I went to the backstage door again. I saw at first Rupert but I´m only standing there und listen what he talk with some fans.
A little bit later Tom and John ( understudy of Colin ) comes to smoke.
At first I was too shy but then I ask Tom if he can sign my Mojo script book.

After the second show I wait at the front door. I saw that today there is a official signing at the stage door with Rupert, Tom and Daniel. But there were many people , so I decide to wait at front door again.
A little bit later Daniel comes around the corner and I went to him and ask for a signature in my Mojo script book and a new picture. He was really nice and I love our picture :) Also my half face is behind him :D 

Before I see that Brendan comes out of the theatre but he was too fast. Sad because he is the only one who don´t sign my script book :(

And then I was really surprised that Colin comes out of the theatre but I let him go. Also he was too fast for me. Good that he don´t see that I nearly fall on the floor because I wanna go on the other side of the street where he was going :D
He was stopped by autograph sellers. Very sad because he wanna go in the pub. I don´t take pictures. I only look what happened.
Then I decide to go with another girl in the pub. At first I don´t feel good because all actors except Ben were inside the pub. Rupert also with his girlfriend and some other friends or something like this.
Some people of the theatre like understudys are also there. It was a little bit full.
Now I drink only a coke. Daniel order some beer and have fun there ;-)
The pub close about 23:00 for the "normal" people and when the light are on we go outside when we are ready with our drinks.
The girl was happy because she was happy to meet Rupert while smoking also it was a funny conversation with him because it named "Lighter" not "Can I have fire :D " 
When we standing there Tom standing outside with a friend or another man. When he was ready with the man I ask for another picture. That was so funny because the girl say "Oh we need to take another picture" and he ask "Because of me?"But she say : "No " :D
But I find that the first picture is the cutest picture ever in this week. ;-)

Now he say goodbye to us and went into the pub.
Now the girl leave the place and I wait with another girl in front of the pub. A little bit later Tom leave the pub and go home.
There were now only 3 fans and some autograph sellers. I really don´t like them. I know that I´m also standing there and normally its private or free time of the actors, but I thought I can take the last chance maybe to meet Colin.
He sit with 2 people alone at a table at the end of the pub not with the other actors. At first he standing there when it was more full. It was so good to see him so free and so relaxed. I really fell in love with this man.
He wear only jeans and a dark blue shirt and no hat. His hair ♥
But when the pub closed he sit so that we can´t see him anymore. But at one moment when I look in the pub he looks out of the pub and our eyes looks at each other. I really don´t wanna know what he thought at this moment. :D
A little bit later Rupert and his friends out of the pub. The autograph sellers are spotted him and ask again for signatures. Poor Rupert because he looks really tired. A man ( the most scared Paparazzi I ever seen ) want take a picture of Rupert but Alex, the bar man stopped him and tell him that he shouldn´t do this. Alex take his hand in front of the flash of his camera.
Now he went into his car.
Now only the bar man and Colin with his friends are in the pub. It looks like they planned how Colin come safe home or outside the pub.
The autograph sellers are already here and don´t left the place. Only a woman, a french girl and me standing there too. We were excited because we don´t know what maybe happened. I really don´t like the fact that this agrresive Paparazzi are there. I just thought we have no chance to meet Colin.
The one man is there every day. He try everyday that Colin sign his Merlin stuff, but Colin don´t want this. 
Colin comes out of the door around the corner and the bar man wanna bring Colin to his car.
I wanna stop him ( that was only my reaction of beeing excited. I really don´t want something bad of Colin. I love him as a human and as actor )
I realize that there is no chance. So I let him go.
He were really fast in his car.
The other autograph sellers running to him and wanna stop him. I feel so sorry for him.
The car wanna left the street but the one man wanna stop Colin again. He sitting already in his car but the man wanna try again. What for a freak.
And he is really not nice. Really agressive. He follow the car over the street till the lights at the end of the street. I don´t know if he wanna take a picture of him. It looks like he running in front of the car.
I was so shocked what happened there. I feel bad for him. 
Colin looked really like he have panic. 
I really wanna know what will happen when the sellers are not there if maybe Colin stopped or something. I think the bar man know who is nice to the actors or not.
I´m happy that the bar man is like a friend and little bit security for the actors. He do a good job in this moment.
After Colin left the pub we are going home and search the night bus. I only know that I was like 2am in my hotel and only wanna sleep.

This was really the best week ever with the best actors I have ever seen. They are all so nice and lovely.
I really hope to see them again especially Tom, Colin and of course Rupert.

I hope you enjoy my reports of the week in London with Mojo :)



Montag, 13. Januar 2014

My trip to London - My Mojo trip - 10.01.2014


so now its time for Friday :)
I wait again for the tickets and get also a good place.
At first Daniel arrive at the theatre but no one stop him.
Tom goes around 1 pm into the city, but I don´t see that he is coming back.
Rupert comes about 17:45 at stage door. He take a lot of time. He sign my Mojo script and we take another picture.

When he see me he smiles and say "Hi" But there was a autograph seller who ask like 100 times for a picture. He looks like the camera don´t work, but I think he do a video.

Very sad that I miss Colin at the stage door because I´m standing at the corner at the front door.
I don´t see Ben or Brendan.

After the play were no signing.
I wait at the front door, but I don´t see Brendan or Colin. So I went to the backstage door.
A woman also from Germany wanna meet Ben.
And we have so good luck, because very soon he comes out of the theatre.
He sign my Mojo script and we take another picture.
He wish us a good night and went into the car.
The man at the stage door tell us that everyone is gone. So I went back to the hotel.



My trip to London - My Mojo trip - 09.01.2014


today is the first day with 2 shows for me.
I get A9 and A8 today.
I was there really early today at the theatre.
At first we see Daniel, but we don´t stop him because he was on the other side of the street.

A little bit later about 12:30 Ben arrive and we stop him at the street. He sign in my autograph book.

Shortly later I ask for a new picture and its really cute. :)

Then Ben went over the street to the stage door.

We heard that Colin and Rupert are already inside.
Then I decide to go to the backstage door.
A little bit later at 13:30 he come out for smoking.
We take a new picture together ;)

I tell him that I go to the show and he was like "Really again " ? That means he remember that I was already inside. And then I tell him that I try to get for all shows ticket.
He was really surprised about this.
About 14:00I wanna go inside to the front door and when I passed the stage door Tom sit on a chair and he say "Hi" to me :)

In the matinee the button of Toms shirt jumped up and so he standing there half naked at the end with the open shirt :D Looks nice ;)
I really like the curtain fall this time. They had all so much fun. :)
Then I wait at the corner and Tom, Daniel and Rupert went to the restaurant opposite the theatre.
At about six they come out. Rupert and also Ben take some time for pictures and signing. I don´t want nothing from them because I met them already this afternoon.
Little bit later Daniel come back with a coffee in his hand. I stopped him for a signature in my book and we take another picture. That was really funny because I have my camera, my book and my pencil in my hand and can´t open the pencil. So he took his cofee away on the floor :D

We wish him a nice evening.
We go around the corner and see Rupert again while he talking to fans. :)
After Rupert Tom comes smoking. At 19:00 I go to the theatre.
After the play I´m standing at the front door.
Brendan hit me a little bit and goes really fast.

A little bit later Colin comes out and I stop him and ask nice if he can sign something for me.
I give him my autograph book and ask if he can write "For Kristin" and I say "with K at the beginning". Now he smile so cute. So adorable. I think I smile like an idiot because I was so happy to see him. Meet him.
We were only 4 or 5 people I think.
But when a chinese gil for taking pictures he say that he only sign our things.
I thank him very much. I can´t say more. Normally I wanna ask if he look into my present bag and like it. But I was so surprised. So in shock. I feel like freakin out after this moment.

There was no official signing again today. But Tom comes out a little bit later. The girls screaming.
A standing a little bit outside of the crowd.
I know that he take this way. When he pass me I asked for a new picture. He was so nice and agree. We take this beautiful picture.

Then he walks away and sign some things. Then he turn around, looking to me and wave to me to say goodbye. Awww so nice of him ♥
He was stopped from another girl and then he go away.
I don´t see Daniel, Rupert or Ben and I went back to the hotel.



My trip to London - My Mojo trip - 08.01.2014


now day 3.
I wait again for day tickets until 7 o clock in the morning.
Good that I were there with a girl I know.
Today I get A11. Really good seat too.
In the afternoon there were a show only with the understudy people.
Lawrence ( understudy of Tom ) running around the corner with the silver trousers. That was so funny.
Rupert comes very late and go inside at the front door. There were some stupid autograph sellers.
I really hope at this time that I can meet him and can take another picture.
I stop him really nice and ask for a picture. So we take a picture.

I tell him that we see us in the show. He ask again because he don´t understand me but then he smiled to me :)

The stupid people following him into the theatre. Poor Rupert. And they only wanna get money with this shit. Good that Rupert have his assistance.
Then we went to the backstage door and we see Rupert again. I ask if he can sign my autograph book and spell him my name. It was a little bit too much for him and Sarah help him writing my name.

We don´t see Brendan , Daniel and Colin before the play.
Tom goes out with friends after the understudy performance. He play the part of Ben in this play.
I heard than that Ben went into front door with Pizza in his hands :D

Now I went to the show.
When Colin enter the stage some poeple get him big applause. ;-)
The jukebox scene was hotter than yesterday.
It looks like a little bit Ben fuck Colin haha :D
At the curtain fall Tom and specially Rupert see me and he smile so cute :)
Best thing ever :D

There was no stage door signing again.
Tom walks over the street and when he see us he waved really cute over the street <3
I heard that Rupert left again with the car.
Brendan comes around the corner and I stop him for a autograph in my book and spell him my name.
After this we take another picture. He was really nice again.

They close the front door, so I decide to go to the backstage door.
When they take off the lights all over I go back to my hotel.
I don´t see Daniel, Colin and Ben. But Ben walks away by feet I heard from fans.



My trip to London - My Mojo trip - 07.01.2014

Hello again :)

I decide to go queuing for the daytickets, because I can´t sleep anymore.
I was there about 8 o clock and I was number 5 at this morning.
Now it was only 2 hours to go. It rains but we sit under the roof. So it was only windy and cold. But I know it worth it.
I get the place A9. That sounds really good.
Now I went to the city and comes back in the afternoon.
At first Daniel arrive about 15:15 ;-)
He phones but he recognize me and wave to me :)
So nice of him :D
A little bit later Tom comes out of the theatre and I´m standing at the corner to the front door.
When he walks the street along he looks up ( because I looking for music in his ipod ;-) ) when he passed my way. He ask me if I´m ok. I say "Yes" and smile to him :)
Ben arrive at the front door. But he phones, so we can´t stop him and he was too fast.
Rupert arrive at the backstage door, but I don´t see him. Only some autograph collectors running around the corner.
I don´t see when Colin or Brendan arrive today.
When Tom comes back he take some pictures and sign some things.
I ask for another picture. :)

Before the play Rupert smokes at the backstage door, but I don´t go to him because there standing only 2 girls and then they began to talking with Ruperts assistance Sarah ;)

Now I go into the theatre. I take my place. It was front row in the middle. So perfect.
The stage looks so much smaller and you feel really like you sit on stage haha :D
The actor are so close.
The juke box scene was really hot. Colin stands there like 5 minutes without the trousers. The funny part was that Ben take the sword between Colins legs and touch him there haha xD Poor Colin :D
I was so surprised about Colin because he is sometimes so funny and than agressive ;)
At the end colins blood runs so fast at the death scene. It looks really horrible. So good the changing between funny ( "Oh no fuck my new trousers" )and then the death....
At this scene it looks always like Brendan smiling to his bloody fingers :D At this day he smile so bright and have also so much blood on his shirt. ;)

Today there was no signing again because it rains.
I went now really fast to the backstage door.
Rupert take his car and sign nothing or take pictures.
But I have so much luck to meet Ben Whishaw. I don´t think that there is a chance to take a picture with him
He comes out and I say that I have a present. He looks so smart and was really lovely. I ask for a picture with the figure. He agree and so we take the picture.

Another people wanna ask for pictures but then his assistance or someone like this comes and take him to the car. He went into the car.

Now I see that Tom sign at the stage door and take pictures.
I wait a little bit and ask for a signature in my book.
He ask me what he should write and I say I don´t know you should decide this ;-)

This was the signature and I really don´t know why he write : "Look after your parents" He say this also in the afternoon when he went in the theatre ;-) And he sign my programme too.

Daniel standing at the corner, but he talk to family or friends. I don´t stop him.

I don´t see  Brendan and Colin again. Maybe he goes out of the backstage door. Really curios sometimes with Colin.
Now I went back to the hotel.



My trip to London - My Mojo trip - 06.01.2014

Hey ,

I wanna start writing about my trip to London. I travel for 7 days to London because of Mojo.
Its a play with a brilliant cast.I was normally there because of Rupert Grint, my favorite actor.
Before I went to London I think about what I can give the cast for a present.
I decide to buy some oscars with a special signature for everyone. Colin get extra birthdaypresent
( a vegetarian cooking book and some sweets ).

Here is a pic of the oscars.

After I checked in my hotel I went directly to the Harold Pinter Theatre. Sad that I had no ticket for today , but I wanna try to meet the actors because of my presents.

I waited there less than a hour and Rupert arrive at the stage door. He was with the car and his driver comes out with him.
He sign some things and take pictures.
I go to him and say that I have a present for him. He ask so sweet : "For me ? " I give him at first a bag with a picture book I made for him. Then I gave him the oscar and he smile to bright about this.

Then I ask for a picture with the oscar in his hand. Then we take this beautiful picture together.

About 10 minutes later Daniel walks along the street. I call him and so he stopped and I give him the present. He looks surprised to it and say: "Oh my first oscar. I hope not the last"
He thanks a lot and so we take a picture together.

Now we waiting and Ben come but till I see him he walks into the stage door. But he looks at me and say "Hello" Very bad timing Mr. Whishaw ;-)

Now it was time for the play , so I decide to eat something and went one hour later back to the theatre ( its time for the break I think )
I see that Rupert was smoking. I only see his arm.
I´m standing a little bit longer there and then I see that Tom comes out of the backstage door. He looks over the street, see me and begin to wave all over the street. Really cute. So I decide to go to him and give him the present.
We say hello and I give him the present. He was there with the girl who do the costumes for the play I heard. We began to talk. She ask me where I come from and I think Tom makes a joke about Hamburg, but I don´t understand him, so we end this theme :D
The girl ask me who is my favorite in the play. She mean : "You can really say Tom" :D So I tell them that I only know Rupert before, but that all are really good. And that its sad that Toms part is only so short. They are laughing about because the scene when Tom hanging up so long on stage ;-)
We take a picture with the oscar.

Now we standing there and it was sooo relaxed with Tom and the girl. The girl ask me if I had also for Colin a oscar. I don´t know why she ask me this.
Now Tom realize it really late that this is a oscar and ask me i this is really for him and I say. "For sure. its a present for you" Now he makes a move like "Come give me a kiss on my cheek" I think I´m dreaming :D That was really cute ;) So I give him a little kiss on his cheek ;)
It was really funny with them because there comes a car across the street and the girl say : "Oh a golden car" And Tom really funny : " No thats glitter " :D Yes thats Tom ^^
And the funny scene when a couple which are not good suiten come along. The face of Tom and the girl were so funny. :D
He ask me if I wanna see the play this week and I say : Yes of course ;-) I tel that I´m one week in London and that we see us often here :) He smile about this :D I say that I only come for the play to London. He were impressed about this.
Now we say goodbye and he thanks again :) When I really heard he say "Thanks Kristin" I really wonder about this because I don´t tell my name. Maybe he read my posting on twitter. :D

There was no official signing tonight. Now I decide to wait at the front door.
At one time Colin runs out of the theatre, but I was good to call him and only scream "Colin " So he look who is calling his name. I think he was a little bit surprised because I´m standing behind him. I hope I don´t shock him.
I tell him that I have a present for him. I was so excited. And I can´t say more and can´t show the oscar or maybe asking for a picture. My heart stops really. I can´t realize that I met him.
I give him the present bag and he only say "Thank you" I really don´t know. It was not long. It feels like 10 seconds.
Then I wait longer. Brendan comes out of the theatre. I call him and giv him the present. He looks at it and he looks also really nice and is happy about it. It looks like this. Now we take a picture together.
He say thank you and wanna give me his hand. But I have so many things in my hand that I change it and so we shaking hands on the street. Really nice man and a good gentleman :)

Then I see that Tom goes in the pub and Rupert left with the car.
Ben or Daniel I don´t see after the play.

Now I go back to my hotel and was really about the first day. I give 5 of 6 presents and get 4 pictures. They were all really nice.



Samstag, 4. Januar 2014


2014 hat begonnen und ich habe beschlossen wieder einen Blog zu erstellen und regelmäßig von meinen Erlebnissen zu berichten.

Ich gehe sehr gerne auf viele Konzerte, besuche Fernsehshows und treffe liebend gern Prominente und verreise dazu noch gerne.

Darüber möchte ich in der kommenden Zeit hier berichten.

Am Montag fliege ich für eine Woche nach London und werde sicherlich einiges berichten können.

Hauptsächlich fliege ich wegen meinem Lieblingsschauspieler Rupert Grint hin, den ich bereits letztes Jahr dort treffen konnte.

Ich würde mich freuen, wenn ihr in Zukunft öfters hier vorbei schaut und meine Beiträge interessiert lest.

Liebe Grüße

Eure Kristin