Montag, 13. Januar 2014

My trip to London - My Mojo trip - 07.01.2014

Hello again :)

I decide to go queuing for the daytickets, because I can´t sleep anymore.
I was there about 8 o clock and I was number 5 at this morning.
Now it was only 2 hours to go. It rains but we sit under the roof. So it was only windy and cold. But I know it worth it.
I get the place A9. That sounds really good.
Now I went to the city and comes back in the afternoon.
At first Daniel arrive about 15:15 ;-)
He phones but he recognize me and wave to me :)
So nice of him :D
A little bit later Tom comes out of the theatre and I´m standing at the corner to the front door.
When he walks the street along he looks up ( because I looking for music in his ipod ;-) ) when he passed my way. He ask me if I´m ok. I say "Yes" and smile to him :)
Ben arrive at the front door. But he phones, so we can´t stop him and he was too fast.
Rupert arrive at the backstage door, but I don´t see him. Only some autograph collectors running around the corner.
I don´t see when Colin or Brendan arrive today.
When Tom comes back he take some pictures and sign some things.
I ask for another picture. :)

Before the play Rupert smokes at the backstage door, but I don´t go to him because there standing only 2 girls and then they began to talking with Ruperts assistance Sarah ;)

Now I go into the theatre. I take my place. It was front row in the middle. So perfect.
The stage looks so much smaller and you feel really like you sit on stage haha :D
The actor are so close.
The juke box scene was really hot. Colin stands there like 5 minutes without the trousers. The funny part was that Ben take the sword between Colins legs and touch him there haha xD Poor Colin :D
I was so surprised about Colin because he is sometimes so funny and than agressive ;)
At the end colins blood runs so fast at the death scene. It looks really horrible. So good the changing between funny ( "Oh no fuck my new trousers" )and then the death....
At this scene it looks always like Brendan smiling to his bloody fingers :D At this day he smile so bright and have also so much blood on his shirt. ;)

Today there was no signing again because it rains.
I went now really fast to the backstage door.
Rupert take his car and sign nothing or take pictures.
But I have so much luck to meet Ben Whishaw. I don´t think that there is a chance to take a picture with him
He comes out and I say that I have a present. He looks so smart and was really lovely. I ask for a picture with the figure. He agree and so we take the picture.

Another people wanna ask for pictures but then his assistance or someone like this comes and take him to the car. He went into the car.

Now I see that Tom sign at the stage door and take pictures.
I wait a little bit and ask for a signature in my book.
He ask me what he should write and I say I don´t know you should decide this ;-)

This was the signature and I really don´t know why he write : "Look after your parents" He say this also in the afternoon when he went in the theatre ;-) And he sign my programme too.

Daniel standing at the corner, but he talk to family or friends. I don´t stop him.

I don´t see  Brendan and Colin again. Maybe he goes out of the backstage door. Really curios sometimes with Colin.
Now I went back to the hotel.



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